A re commitment to Excellence

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It was Ghandi who so aptly states "be the change you wish to see in the world".  And while here at Glitteractive we aren't exactly doing life-changing work as the great teachers of the world have done, we strive to make bold changes to our industry. You never know what holes there are until you yourself experience them as a customer. There are always areas and room for improvement. And recently as a customer I had a light-bulb moment. I had an experience of a company/professional NOT listening to me! Everyone is different. What matters to some, matters not to others. And that's OK. Different styles and tastes are what makes the world go 'round. And if this age of information and digital overload, conversations get shorter. We'd rather text than call. We don't want to be a bother, but we want solutions executed efficiently and expeditiously.  


What matter most to me as a company founder is having almost impossibly high standards. Maybe it's my Virgo nature, that rides on that fine line of rigidness and perfection. Attention to detail is key. If you have high standards, you will not disappoint others. And that's ONE thing I do not want for Glitteractive. Every time someone receives a package from us I want them to experience nothing but delight. From start to finish. 

We've added some new features to the website. And soon we will be reaching out more to our current customers to "check the pulse". We don't do this to spam you, but to find out what we are getting right and ways to improve.


You're time is valuable. But so is your opinion.

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