So what I'm saying is that I'm basically Serena Williams...

athletes baby challenge competition fitness Grand Slam motherhood Obstacle Course Race OCR pregnancy serena serena williams spartan race tennis

Serena Williams after just entering the wonderful world of motherhood is already crushing it. 

Serena is a Spartan now. AROO!

In the fall of 2016 I embarked on a journey that really stretched the boundaries of my fear and challenged my body. I competed (that isn't an apt word for it. Rather I plonked along) in my first ever Spartan Race. The preparation for this race is what led me to founding Glitteractive. 

I enjoyed the challenge. I hadn't been on monkey bars since elementary school. Being able to climb a rope about 20 feet high was the highlight of that race. There were hills to run and obstacles to climb. I've never been a powerhouse or athlete, but it taught me a lot about myself in how I could train my mind to do anything.

Of course Serena isn't the common woman. She is a four time Olympic Gold medalist. She has won 72 career titles, including 39 Grand Slam titles. She has won over $84 million dollars in career prize money - more than any female athlete. There is a reason she is often considered the greatest athlete of all time. (not the greatest female, the greatest period.)


 And now we have something in common

Serena plans to return to tennis, competing in the Fed Cup, starting February 10th.

"Tennis is just a game. Family is forever" - Serena Williams

Well said.

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