The top 5 fitness instagrammers you need to start following now!

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Instagram is FULL of fitness inspiration. And while some are way outta my league (I can't even with some of these gals), I've found a few that are both approachable and inspiring at the same time. Here are a few fitness Instagrammers that you've probably never heard of, but you should!

5. @fitandlegitmom

I just love her style because it's a lot like mine, except she meal preps a lot better than I do. Her Instagram is full of accessible healthy foods for real people. Check out her page for great, filling food and EASY recipes.

4. @naturalfitsisters

This is actually a two-fer. This Instagram is run by two sisters, one competes in bikini, one in figure. For my girls that are thinking of competing, you know that it's like diving into a foreign language. They're beautiful (of course) and their progress pictures are LEGIT. Anything is possible with time, hard work and dedication.

3. @barbellsandboots

AM really enjoying this girl's personality! She's fun and fit! Her blog is written almost like a diary and I love it. She showcases her fashion finds, workouts and DIY projects. She's also got an up and coming youtube channel. I'm looking forward to things to come!

2. @laurenwoodson

Lauren is a beauty! For me, seeing a fitness instagrammer who reflects my community, is such a plus! It's often hard to find women that look like me! She's also fierce in her faith. Lauren is a nutritionist, who offers nutrition and meal planning advice for folks that are ready for some real help and guidance.

1. @queencitysweat

This woman is amazing! She's a badass with a big following for a reason. A NASM certified personal trainer that runs her own boot camp in North Carolina. Go to her site at and get awesome reflections on different workouts and recipe advice.


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