What did I just walk in on? What to do when some a$$hole has just broken into your car.

blog dogs grateful gratitude hiking karma mercedes benz mindfulness nature news theft vandalism zen

Ok tribe. I need to vent. I’ve been in a bit of a gym funk lately because of an injury. So today decided to take my son and my dog Carbon on a mini hike. We parked and came back to this.

I’m angry, sad, frustrated and regretful. I had an amazing time in the sunshine and it all came crashing down to this moment.

I’m a true believer in karma and operate in the mantra of “do no harm”. I’m not having a “why me” pity party but I do wonder why some people are so shitty to each other at times? Beyond the smashed window and the headache of insurance claims etc. why do people hurt other people without thinking of consequences?



While I'm not totally ZEN about this yet, I'm in a much better place. I'm a person who was cautious about the "attitude of gratitude" mantra. That works well when things are going your way right? But I see actual growth in the way I'm handling things lately. I am grateful. I am grateful that I know right from wrong. I am grateful that I don't live in a state where just because I can do something and not get caught, that I do those things. I am grateful that I don't live off impulse and momentary synapses firing off in my brain. I am grateful for the calm within the storm. There will be storms. How we react to life is everything.

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