All things fun fit and fierce

The ONE Thing You Should Add To Your Workout: Self Love and Self Care

The ONE Thing You Should Add To Your Workout: Self Love and Self Care

There's two areas that all beginning fitness enthusiasts and seasoned veterans alike tend to skip or rush through: The warm up and the cool down. We tend to want to get on with it. Get on with the workout because burning lots of calories means progress. Progress means better health or a sexier body. But the warm up and the cool down has a special place in staying healthy. Warming up allows the body to adjust its temperature gradually and limits the possibility of injury. Cooling down does the same, bringing down the heartbeat to a normal pace. We all know...

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Plateaus are for SUCKERS!

Plateaus are for SUCKERS!

I started my weight loss/strength/fitness journey in April of 2016. This was the first time that I've really taken it seriously and tracked my diet and stepped up my workouts from just cardio 2 days a week to full on BEASTMODE 4-6 days a week.  It's now December and I haven't reached that goal. I'm happy with what I see in the mirror, a tighter and more toned body. I wear smaller sizes but the scale hasn't budged in months. In fact, I'm only 3-5 lbs. lighter than my "usual" weight. Weight ain't nothing but a number right? Muscle weighs...

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I am Spartan! A Recap

I am Spartan! A Recap

You are stronger than you know. I did it. The Spartan Sprint was my first OCR (Obstacle Course Race) and I think I'm hooked! I didn't train until 2 weeks before, other than my usual gym routine. Having friends who've done it before helps, as they can offer tips and insights as to what to expect. As in most challenges in life, 80% of the difficulty is mental/psychological. If one has the attitude to keep going, no matter what, even if that means crawling at a snail's pace, (as it was in my case) completing the race is achievable.  The...

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