All things fun fit and fierce — diet

Let's go! Fermented Food Challenge!

active cultures Activia Anxiety Candida Depression diet digestion emotional health Enzymes fermentation flat tummy gut flora Gut health health Immunity Intestinal health Kimchi mental health prebiotics probiotics sauerkraut Skin tummy Wild fermentation yogurt

Let's go! Fermented Food Challenge!

I think as I become more and more into gardening for healthy edible foods, I become more and more intrigued by fermentation. Composting itself is the use of decaying organic material to better our soil and growing conditions. What does this methodology lead to within our own bodies?

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The top 5 fitness instagrammers you need to start following now!

blog diet fitness follows healthy food heathly eating inspiration instagram news nutrition recipes social media workout

The top 5 fitness instagrammers you need to start following now!

Instagram is FULL of fitness inspiration. And while some are way outta my league (I can't even with some of these gals), I've found a few that are both approachable and inspiring at the same time. Here are a few fitness Instagrammers that you've probably never heard of, but you should! 5. @fitandlegitmom I just love her style because it's a lot like mine, except she meal preps a lot better than I do. Her Instagram is full of accessible healthy foods for real people. Check out her page for great, filling food and EASY recipes. 4. @naturalfitsisters This is actually a two-fer....

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What can a children's song teach you about your health?

challenge cleanse detox detx diet digestion food free gut health healthy food heathly eating juicing raw weight loss win

What can a children's song teach you about your health?

So my family and I are in week two of homeschooling. It's our first year and as scary as it sounds, it's also very liberating. So to sum it all up, we spend a lot of time in the library. I mean a LOT. This is a good thing because I love books and hopefully my son will too someday. More than books, there are also a lot of cool DVD's, audiobooks and music to borrow from the library. We recently got a chance to listen to "Here Comes Science", a music DVD from the band They Might Be Giants....

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